Monday, August 30, 2010

Is That Warm Dirt?

In Kenya, the food options are never predictable.  However, when this was plopped down on the table in front of me, I couldn't really conceal my surprise. What is it?!  It looks suspiciously like a steaming mound of dirt.  I was informed that is something called "brown ugali," a traditional type of millet, and yes, I was told, it's delicious!

Lies.  It tastes like warm, muddy sand.  And it's heavy. That mound there probably weighs about five pounds.  I wanted to stop eating it and start forming it into a sand castle, but I managed to choke some down for the sake of courtesy, while mixing it generously with mouthfuls of water, which gave it a cement-like texture.  But I'll give it this- it sure is filling!

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