Saturday, April 30, 2011

Is this Appetizing to You?

OK, so I know I'm a little biased due to the fact that I'm vegetarian. But even so, I just don't understand how people can find Peking duck appetizing. It's AN ENTIRE ANIMAL, cooked with its head and BEAK still attached. I don't get it. It freaks me out.
Am I the only one eked out by this?

It appears that some people also find the whole dead-animal-with-its-head still-attached thing disturbing as well, because some grocery stores in Singapore sell heads and bodies separately, which leads to this macabre sight:
There go all my happy memories of feeding the ducks at the park...

I guess I shouldn't be too surprised by the appetite for duck heads. After all, this is a country where the fish eyeball is a coveted delicacy!

1 comment:

  1. OMG! That is so sad. :( I am not a vegetation but I cant eat meat if it resembles the animal even a little bit. :(
